Roflexs Accessories.
Roflexs produce a number of accessories to use with their electric fence systems, some of which we describe here. For the full range of accessories please visit out on line shop.
Stop End & Deviation Posts.
Roflexs produce stop end posts in both their Premium and Profi ranges. A stop end post is basically a post without the tape reels which you use to anchor the first tape ends when you start to put up a fence in a line, as opposed to a fence which terminates at its origin. The Profi version of the post can also be used to deviate the line or level of the tapes mid bay. You can thus cope with sharp changes in ground level, skirt around an obbstacle, or change direction of your fencing around a sharp corner without starting a new bay.
Electric Link Tape.
The electric link tape is used to make electrical connectivity between upper and lower tape strands. It is not necessary if using the Powered Premium Post.
Additional Batteries.
Additional batteries can be purchased for the Powered Premium Posts with built in energiser.These may be useful if your pattern of use is such that you will want one on charge while another is in use.
5 Leg Base.
Roflexs produce a 5 leg base that can be swiftly exchanged for the spike at the base of a Premium post if you want to use it on a hard surface such as concrete.
Extra Tape Reels.
Roflexs sell extra tape reels so users can retrospectively upgrade Profi or Standard posts with extra tapes. The maximum number of tapes that these posts can carry is 3.
Swinging Gate Reel.
This is a Roflexs Tape reel with the standard 7m of tape on a swinging mount that is designed to be fitted to the side of a building or post, and can be anchored to other positions through approx a 120 degree arc. It is often used like a swinging gate.
Spare Magnetic Keys.
These are spare keys for turning on and off the built in energisers in the Powered Premium Post.